Our Story
St Mary's Community Preschool (SMCP) is a community-based, not-for-profit children’s service situated in the heart of Casino, in rural NSW. The preschool was built in 1976 with a capital grant of Commonwealth funds held in trust for the community by the Catholic Diocese of Lismore, on land made available by St Mary's Parish in North St, Casino. In 1988 SMCP became incorporated under the Incorporations Association Act, and has now been a part of the vibrant Casino community for over thirty years.
SMCP caters for up to forty 3-5 year olds each day, accommodating up to 20 children in two separate preschool rooms: 'Sunbeam Room' and 'Rainbow Room'. Priority of access for enrolment is given to children in the year before school and to low income and First Nations families, in line with funding guidelines from the Department of Education. Our preschool welcomes new enrolments and aims to uphold an environment which is culturally safe and respectful, providing for the individual and educational needs, interests and strengths of all children.
Our preschool operates from 7.45am - 3.15pm five days a week in-line with the NSW state school calendar. Both preschool rooms are staffed by qualified early childhood educators, that work as a team providing a play based educational program. This educational curriculum is underpinned by the Early Years Learning Framework BELONGING, BEING & BECOMING (acecqa.gov.au) which guides the implementation of our program. A strong focus on building children's resilience, self-confidence and sense of wellbeing through relationship building, allows children to develop a strong sense of belonging as global citizens.
Download the current EYLF Framework PDF here -> EYLF-2022-V2.0.pdf
SMCP has an expansive outdoor environment combining natural and man-made soft-fall spaces, garden areas, mud kitchen and paved and sheltered areas for the children to explore and investigate. We also have large shaded outdoor spaces, allowing for indoor/outdoor learning all year round.