Meet Our Team
Rainbow Room

Director &
Early Childhood Teacher


Lead Educator &

Cert III
Sunbeam Room

Early Childhood Teacher &
Educational Leader

Cert III

Cert III

Cert III
Early Childhood Educators
Our team of dedicated professionals strive to uphold best practice as they work together to deliver a quality early childhood education program for the Jarjums of Casino. They each bring their own strengths and perspectives to the team which creates a dynamic ethos whereby teaching and learning happens in response to context (place-based) and is shaped by current thinking.
Want to know more about us? Check out the ‘Meet the Teacher’ pages outside each of the classrooms.
Governance & Management/Approved Provider
Our preschool operates under a community-based not-for-profit model of management. This means that we have a Management Board or Committee (currently comprised of parents of enrolled children) and any profits made by the preschool are fed back into the service. The Management Board of the preschool is referred to as the “Approved Provider” under the Regulations. The Management Board operates under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009, and the Model Constitution. Therefore, we have executive board member roles of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Public Officer, as well as general board members. These positions are annually elected and filled at each Annual General Meeting.
The Management Board (the Approved Provider) is responsible for the overall performance of the organisation. They determine the service’s mission and purpose, set the strategic directions of the organisation, ensure compliance with legal obligations, ensure the on-going financial viability of the preschool, enhance the profile of the preschool in the community and recruit and orient new board/management members, in consultation with the Director.
If you would like to know more about joining the committee, please speak with our Director.